
Court Services

  • Co-Parenting
  • Reunification Therapy
  • 730 Child Custody Evaluations/733 reports
  • Special Master/Parenting Plan Coordinator
  • Individual and Family Therapy
  • Special Assignments by the Court
  • 3111and 3118 Child Custody Evaluations

Co-Parenting Counseling

Co-Parenting counseling always involves both parents being present unless otherwise ordered. The purpose of co-parenting is to improve communication between the parents regarding the well-being of their children. In most cases, the children are not involved and should not be brought to the sessions.  This is also true for significant others.

If the Judge has not specified the number of sessions required this usually means it is at the therapist's discretion.  The average number of sessions for Mitchell Rosen is approximately 6-8 but could be more or less depending on the progress of the parents.  Typically sessions are held weekly or every other week.  If the Judge has directed the parents to seek the services of a specific therapist then that is the order of the Court; otherwise, parents may choose from a list provided by the Court.

The cost of the sessions is to be split evenly unless otherwise specified by the Judge.  Each 50-minute session is $200..00 which would be $100.00 for each parent for each session. This does not include communication with attorneys and/or review of documents which is charged at $4.00  per minute. Payment is expected 48 hours (unless a credit cad is on file) before the day of the session and can be made through this website by clicking on 'Make a Payment'  or using Zelle to Mr. Rosen's email: [email protected].  A deposit may be required depending on how the order is written and the number of sessions required. In some situations, a report is ordered about the sessions and the parents waive confidentiality. The cost of the report is prorated depending on the amount of time required. Payment for the report is required 10 days before the court hearing or one week after the last session. Once the report is written, there is no refund on the report. There is no fee for a certificate of completion. 48 hours notice is required for cancellations or no-shows unless there is a doctor's note or verification of an extenuating circumstance such as a traffic mishap.

Reunification Therapy

Reunification therapy is a term used by the Family Law Courts when one parent is distant from the child or children and the court desires to improve their relationship.  Some of the reasons for reunification therapy include: one of the parents has been absent from the child's life due to drug or alcohol abuse, child abuse, incarceration, personal choice, or alienation from the other parent.

In most cases, the therapist will decide whether to see the child first, the parent or parents, or which configuration would be most beneficial.  The cost for each 50-minute session is $200.00. This does not include communication with attorneys and/or review of documents which is charged at $4.00  per minute. Unless it is specified by the Court, the cost is split evenly between the parents.  Duration and frequency vary depending on the motivation and cooperation of the parties involved and the judgment of the therapist.  A credit card on file is required before therapy begins. In the event the client does not have a credit card, payment is expected 48 hours before the day of the session and can be made through this website by clicking on 'Make a Payment'  or using Zelle to Mr. Rosen's email: [email protected].  A deposit may be required depending on how the order is written and the number of sessions required.In most cases, a report is requested about the sessions and the parents waive confidentiality. The cost of the report is prorated depending on the amount of time required. The fee for the report including faxing/mailing to Judge, attorneys, and parents is billed at $200.00 per hour. Payment for the report is required 10 days before the court hearing. Once the report is written, there is no refund. it is often the case one parent is more motivated than the other. A parent who cancels or is a no-show without giving 24 hours notice may be charged for the time, even if the court ordered the other parent to be financially responsible.

Child Custody Evaluations

Mitchell Rosen is a trained 730, 3111, 3118, and 733 child custody evaluator.  In addition to his experience as a family therapist and group facilitator on a chemical dependency unit, Mr. Rosen has completed the requisite 40 hours of specialized training as well as completing continuing education requirements in Domestic Violence and Law and Ethics.  Mitchell has also received advanced education in psychological testing. Mr. Rosen has completed 730 evaluations involving issues as diverse as parental alienation, allegations of child abuse, the decision to move to another state, child abandonment, drug and alcohol abuse.

Some parents are concerned the evaluation process will be stressful or traumatic for their children.  Every effort is made to ensure the experience is as pleasant and non-threatening for the children as possible.  The form in FORMS section entitled Beginning the Process (below) has an overview that includes step-by-step instructions and what Mr. Rosen will need from the litigants and their attorneys.  The cost for a 730 is located in the section entitled: Fees. If court testimony is required that would be billed separately and information on testimony is also found in the section: Fees.

733 Report on Child Custody Evaluation

A 733 is a review of another professional's child custody report. The 733 involves having Mr. Rosen read the other person's 730 or 3111 evaluation and provide a detailed report to the referring attorney outlining whether or not the evaluation was performed properly and if the conclusions are supported by the data. A 733 typically does not involve speaking with the parents or children but only with the referring attorney. Mr. Rosen is considered the referring attorney's expert. The fee for a 733 is in two parts: Reading the report and a teleconference with referring attorney is $2,000.00.  A formal report is an additional $2,000.00 and does not include testimony.

Special Master/Parenting Plan Coordinator

There are times after a divorce when parents still argue, disagree, and file motion after motion. In some cases, the Judge may elect to appoint a quasi-judicial officer known as a Special Master or Parenting Plan Coordinator.  A Special Master is usually an attorney or therapist familiar with family law issues who is assigned by the Court to mediate disputes before the parties return to Court. Mr. Rosen was trained by Joan Kelly, Ph.D. one of the most respected and published researchers on parent/child relationships.

The authority of the Special Master is clearly spelled out and a contract is given to both parents and their attorneys delineating exactly what decisions may be decided by the Special Master. Mitchell Rosen has been assigned to be a Special Master in both Riverside and San Bernardino Counties and has presented an in-service to the mediators of Riverside County on the appointment of a Special Master.  The cost of these services includes a non-refundable deposit of $4,000.00 (usually split between parents at $2,000.00 for each parent) and sessions are billed at the rate of $200.00 an hour.  For an explanation of what is included with the deposit please go to the forms section and under Special Master/Parenting Plan Coordinator see the page entitled Special Master/PPC fees. It is advisable to go to the Forms section of this website and download the Special Master/PPC (parenting plan coordinator) template to clearly understand the scope of this appointment. Attorneys by stipulation and/or the judge may edit or adjust the scope of the Special Master's authority. 

Individual and Family Court Ordered Therapy

By stipulation of the  attorneys or an Order of the Judge, there are times the services of a therapist are requested.  In some cases, the 730 evaluators may suggest to the Judge that one or both of the parents or their children may benefit from individual or family therapy.  There may be concerns an individual is angry, depressed, or may need assistance with parenting skills. Whatever the reason, if Mitchell Rosen is specifically requested, it is essential he has a copy of the stipulation, Court Order, or 730 recommendations that state reasons for the therapy. The cost for every 50 minutes is $200.00. It is the same price for an individual, couple, or family. Payment is expected 48 hours (unless a credit cad is on file) before the day of the session and can be made through this website by clicking on 'Make a Payment'  or using Zelle to Mr. Rosen's email: [email protected].  A deposit may be required depending on how the order is written and the number of sessions required.You pay for the time not the number of participants. Often this type of therapy is ordered as confidential (no information is shared) or non-confidential (confidentiality is waived and Mr. Rosen may report to the court). Reports are billed separately as is testimony and/or depositions if required. Payment for the report is due 10 days before the court hearing and once the report is written, there are no refunds.

3111 & 3118 Child Custody Evaluations

A 3111 and 3118 evaluation is essentially a child custody evaluation in the state of California, performed under California Family Code Section 3111 or 3118. This is used to help the Court determine child custody orders and visitation rights. A 3111/3118 investigation may or may not include psychological testing however it may include gathering information from a variety of sources in addition to the parents.  The cost for a 3111 evaluation is explained in the section entitled: Rates & Insurance. A 3118 Chid Custody  Evaluation is ordered when there are allegations of child abuse. The cost of a 3111/ 3118 Child Custody Evaluation is located in the section entitled: Rates and Insurance. A 3118 assesses allegations of child sexual abuse and includes reviewing available CPS and/or police reports. To begin the process, email/mail Mr. Rosen a copy of the order and follow the instructions in the link 'Overview' in the Child Custody Section. Be sure to state if the evaluation has been ordered, whether or not Mr. Rosen was specifically appointed and what the Court date will be to hear the evaluation. Court testimony, if required, is not included in the fee, and information on court testimony can be found under the heading: Fees. 

Expert Testimony and Deposition Fees

Expert testimony:  Mr. Rosen may not be called as a percipient witness, only as an expert witness.  Expert witness fees are: or $3,000.00 (three thousand dollars) for AM or PM session or $5,000.00 (five thousand dollars) for a full day. These fees will apply if Mr. Rosen testifies for one minute, 7 hours, or not at all. Fees must be paid at least 10 business days before the court date.  The fees are not refundable if Mr. Rosen receives less than 72 hours' notice to cancel or change the dates of testimony. By mutual agreement, Mr. Rosen will accept subpoena by email or fax: 951-246-2775. If Mr. Rosen must travel more than one hour from the courthouse, there will be an additional travel fee. For depositions, the same terms of payment and refund apply.

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